Besides my family and friends, there are few things I love as much as baseball.
My love affair goes back to my youth. Both of my parents enjoyed the game and they passed that on to me. I grew up playing basball almost nightly in the neighbor's empty field. My dad would talk box scores at the dinner table and my mother knew how to keep score.
Fast forward to the 1990s, and my beloved Cleveland Indians were actually good. The best birthday present I ever received was on October 17, 1995 when the Indians clinched the first pennant of my lifetime.
I passed on my love affair to my sons. I would often play catch with them as my father had done with me. Our lower field was the scene for pickup up games and I was enlisted to pitch. I relished that many of their friends thought I threw too hard.
After a long winter, I look forward to baseball. The sounds of the game bring back lots of memories for me. I can see my mom keeping score while listening to games on the radio and the pickup games that filled my summer days as a kid. I can see my dad playing catch with me in the backyard and my sons playing little league. So many memories...
This year, my beloved Indians are starting off the baseball season with a bang. They are ending the month of April tied with the Phillies for the best record in baseabll. They are 4.5 game in the lead of AL Central. They have never been this good, this early. Of course, I am glued to every game. Good thing my husband puts up with this.
There's only 136 more games left in the season. I hope I am having as much fun at the end of the season as I am right now. Go Tribe!